O Crux Ave, Spes Unica

THIS prayer was found in the Sepulchre of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the year 803 and was sent by the Pope to the Emperor Charles on the evening of his departure as he went to battle for his safety.

WHOEVER reads or hears it read or wears it on him will never die a sudden death nor be drowned or burn or any poison affect him or be a prisoner of war or be vanquished. And if it be read over any woman in labour pain she shall be delivered safely and when the child is born, let her place this prayer on the right side of the child and it shall never he troubled by any misfortune. Whoever carries this prayer with him, will never have an epileptic attack and if you see anyone having fits, place this prayer on his right side and he will be cured immediately.

WHOEVER writes this prayer for himself or for others, I will bless him, says the Lord, but whoever mocks or laughs at it will suffer. Believe this for certain, when this prayer is in the house, the house will be safely guarded of thunder and lightning, and whoever reads this prayer daily will be warned three days before his death.

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