October 24 begins jubilee celebrations for the 1,500th anniversary of the Martyrs of Arabia and an opportunity to \”better understand our vocation as a Catholic Church in this region\”.
By La Croix International staff |
October 23, 2023
Kuwait-based Bishop Aldo Berardi of the Vicariate Apostolic in Northern Arabia has announced the start of the jubilee for the 1,500th anniversary of the Martyrs of Arabia and expressed the hope that the period would be one of grace for Christian communities in the Arabian Gulf.
\”We consider this year to be a year of grace for the entire Vicariate and for all Christian communities in the Arabian Gulf. We celebrate with faith the memory of our Christian ancestors who gave their lives for Christ, faithful to the end\”, said Bishop Berardi, whose vicariate covers Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
The year commemorates the jubilee of the Martyrs of Arabia (523-2023). On October 24, the Catholic Church in the Arabian Peninsula, which includes the Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Arabia led by the Capuchin Bishop Paolo Martinelli, will commemorate the martyrdom of Saint Arethas and his companions, starting the Holy Year across all parishes.
Saint Arethas and his companions, venerated in both Catholic and Orthodox churches, were Arab Christians from the ancient city of Najran in southern Arabia (modern-day Saudi Arabia). They suffered martyrdom in 523 AD during the systematic persecution of Christians by King Dhu Nuwas of Himyar in present-day Yemen. The persecution involved burning churches, forced conversions, and the execution of those who refused to renounce their Christian faith. Saint Arethas was beheaded, along with about a hundred companions, and more than 4,000 Christians were martyred in this tragic episode. Arethas, whose Arabic name was Al-Harith bin Ka\’b, was born in 427 AD and served as prefect of the predominantly Christian city until his martyrdom at the age of 95.
\”Opportunity to renew our missionary spirit and deepen our faith\”
\”We see our continuity with the Christian communities and monasteries that emerged in this region. The archaeological finds confirm this for us. This anniversary year is an opportunity to renew our missionary spirit and deepen our faith. We, in turn, must bear witness to Christ and the Gospel by living a holy and consistent life. In the parishes and prayer groups of all religious denominations and ethnic groups, there is a general effort to engage in the spirit of the Holy Year. Even the children in the catechism are infected by this general enthusiasm,\” said Bishop Berardi.
\”We have Christian predecessors in these countries who give us an example. Now it is up to us to be witnesses of the Risen One in this day and age. Inspired by the Arab martyrs, the Christians of the Arabian Peninsula today are called to be \’everyday martyrs\’ who live in the little things of life, \”Bear a living witness to Christ and his message in everyday life,\” he added.
The opening of the Holy Doors at Kuwait Co-Cathedral and Bahrain Cathedral will mark the Holy Year, which begins on October 24 and ends on October 23 next year. Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence to those who undertake a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia in Awali, Bahrain, the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, or the Parish of St. Arethas.
\”Our life is a pilgrimage. Our pilgrimage is often not easy, because of the difficulties of life, the environment and the society in which we live,\” said Bishop Berardi highlighting the possibility of following Jesus and the Gospel by expressing love for the Father and allowing the guidance of the Holy Spirit. \”The Holy Year offers us \”the opportunity to better understand our vocation as a Catholic Church in this region,\” he said.
The Apostolic Penitentiary has authorized Bishop Berardi to grant the pope\’s \”apostolic blessing with plenary indulgence\” to all the faithful present who show deep remorse and are moved by love\” after the celebration of mass on an appropriate day of the Holy Year.
To promote awareness and reverence for the Martyrs of Arabia, a book titled \”The Unforgotten Martyrs of Arabia,\” initially published in English in 2020, has been translated into various languages and republished.
A relic of Saint Arethas, gifted by Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, is expected to arrive in Bahrain in November. The return of this relic after nearly fourteen centuries is considered a significant blessing for contemporary Christian communities in the Gulf.
The Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia is home to around 2.5 million Catholics, primarily composed of foreign workers from diverse nations and cultures.
*The original article published online by La Croix International can be accessed here.