Jubilee Hymn
Whats New
- Homily of H.E. Bishop Aldo Berardi, O.SS.T., at the Conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of St. Arethas and Companions
- Being Witnesses of God and His Beauty: Thousands of Faithful at the Closing of the Holy Door of Awali
- Conclusion of the Jubilee of St. Arethas
- Arabian Peninsula’s Biggest Church Preserves Martyrs’ Relics
- What does the Jubilee of Saint Arethas Mean for the Catholic Community of Arabia?
- St. Arethas Music Video in Malayalam Launched
- Abu Dhabi: Holy Door opened for Jubilee of Arabian Martyrs
- Sacred Relics of St. Arethas Arrive in Bahrain
- Homily of His Grace Archbishop Eugene M. Nugent during the Jubilee Mass at Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral
- Bahrain: Holy Door opened for Jubilee of Arabian Martyrs
The official Jubilee Hymn of the Extraordinary Jubilee of St. Arethas and Companions affirms Jesus Christ as our Light and Savior. As He revealed to His disciples, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We are called to walk with Him and be courageous witnesses of His Love and Grace.
The Christ of the Arab saints and martyrs 1,500 years ago is the same Savior who continues to bless us and make us courageous in our personal vocations within the Holy Church today. On this great Jubilee of St. Arethas and Companions, we are all invited to come together in the light of Christ and allow our love for God and our faith — to flourish even more across Arabia.
In the Light of Christ
In the light of Christ we come together
With Saint Arethas and companion martyrs.
Whose love for God stood the test of all time
And prepared the way for us to flourish
Across Arabia.
Verse 1
“I am the light of the world” Jesus said.
We shall never walk in darkness with Him
But forever possess the light of life
Allow our souls to be filled with His light,
And let that light burn on in our souls.
Verse 2
God’s light enkindled the hearts of our martyrs
With great zeal for the salvation of souls,
We walk with them as living witnesses,
By the power and glory of God’s Name,
By the power and glory of God’s Name.
Verse 3
We have been called by Jesus Christ
To walk with grace as children of the light.
With the flame of faith alive in our hearts.
The living light which gives light to every man:
Jesus is the light, He is our great light.
Whoever came to be in Him found life,
When the Lord comes, we go out to meet Him
With all the saints and martyrs in heaven.
Final Refrain
In the light of Christ we come together
With Saint Arethas and companion martyrs.
Whose love for God stood the test of all time
And prepared the way for us to flourish
Across Arabia
we flourish across Arabia.