News / Events in the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia
5th January 2023
Holy Family Co-Cathedral (Kuwait) Marks Day of the Poor

Every year, since 2017, the Church celebrates World Day of the Poor on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time. This day is intended for all Catholics to reflect on how the poor are at the very heart of the Gospel and is meant to encourage Christians to “go forth” into the peripheries where so many people struggle with economic and existential problems and to offer service as “a sign of love”, the love shown by Jesus himself.
It was in keeping with this vision of Pope Francis, who established this day in 2016, that a group of people under the leadership of the parish clergy of Holy Family Co-Cathedral, came together on January 5, 2023, to offer a warm welcome, friendship and solidarity to the most needy among our sisters and brothers.
Thanks to a generous flood of donations which poured in from the parishes of Kuwait, and from sponsors locally and abroad, we were able to host an unforgettable and memorable New Year’s celebration which consisted of a sumptuous buffet lunch, an entertainment programme and take-away gifts for each of our guests. That day, 850 men and women, irrespective of nationality or religion, sat together in fraternity and enjoyed a festive meal and the warmth and solidarity of ‘new’ friends.
We gratefully acknowledge our organisers, sponsors, donors, large spectrum of volunteers, supporters, well-wishers and above all, our Apostolic Nuncio His Grace Archbishop Eugene Martin Nugent for his gracious and prayerful presence on the occasion; Fr. Peter PM OFM Cap., Custos of Arabia for his wonderful encouragement; Fr. Antony Lopez OFM Cap., Chancellor of AVONA & members of the clergy for their whole-hearted support; Fr. Dominic Santamaria for his active participation & words of wisdom and the Apostolic Carmel Sisters for their kind assistance.
We hope that with the success we had, our parishioners will be inspired to reach out to the needy whenever, and in whatever way possible. Poverty has many forms around us and it is an ever-present challenge in our world but we can do something to reduce its impact. Here, in Kuwait, there are many who struggle to meet their daily or monthly needs. They are mainly low-wage earners or have lost their jobs. Added to their financial troubles, they often face loneliness in a foreign country and exclusion from mainstream society.
There are various groups in our parishes that carry out works of charity, so let us all get involved and work together in transforming our world to truly reflect the Kingdom of God. If you would like to help in some way, please contact your Parish Priest or a member of POSA (POOR OF SAINT ANTHONY).