CHARIS-KUWAIT is the Service Body in Kuwait Catholic Church for all expressions of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in Kuwait. Charis-Kuwait is part of CHARIS-(International) which promotes and strengthen communion among all charismatic realities, fostering a sense of the worldwide family of Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
CCR is part of an Ecumenical current of grace born by the sovereign will of God in the Catholic Church in 1967 and emerged as a fruit of Second Vatican Council. Today it is estimated that there are more than 120 million people worldwide who will testify to a life changing experience of Holy Spirit through their contact with CCR. The Charismatic Renewal came into Kuwait as back as in 1980. The English speaking Asian community formed the first Charismatic Prayer Group in Kuwait. In 1987 the Filipino Catholic Community (FCCK) began and Malayalam community started their Prayer Group in 1992. The other groups like Konkani speaking Indians, and Arabic community & Sri Lankans started their prayer groups subsequently. Currently, 14 Prayer Groups/Realities are associated to Charis-Kuwait and are functioning at four Parishes of Kuwait.
Functions of Charis-Kuwait is monitored by Charis National Service of Communion (Kuwait National Service of Communion-KNSC), which consists of a Spiritual Director, appointed by Bishop, a National Coordinator, Asst. National Coordinator, Secretary and representatives from all Prayer Groups and Realities.
Charis Kuwait along with the National Service of Communion (NSCs) in other three countries of the Vicariate forms AVONA-NSC. The functioning of Charis-Avona is monitored by a AVONA Coordinator. Charis Kuwait is also part of Charis-Asia, the Continent expression of Charis International.
National Level Programs:
KNSC meets every second Tuesday of the month at City Co-Cathedral Premises.
Charis Kuwait publishes a spiritual magazine CHARISARABIA as a print magazine. The magazine is currently publishing as an online PDF magazine. Charisarabia magazine’s online link is available on AVONA web site or login to CHARIS Facebook Page.
CharisKNSC: https://en-gb.facebook.com/CharisKNSC2
Charis National Intercessory Net Works Q8 Intercessors, works with daily Prayer Requests circulated in Q8 Intercessors Whatsapp Group. Intercessors meet once in a month at national level on First Tuesday and pray for the intentions of the Church and the needy around. To join in Q8 Whatsapp Group or to post your prayer intentions, please contact Bonita Rodrigues: +965 97895898 or E-mail: bjgomes@hotmail.com
Charis Media Ministry works for the updates of Facebook Pages, YouTube , Instagram and other social media networks and for publishing of CHARISARABIA.
KNSC organizes regular Charismatic Formation Programs for the members of various Prayer Groups and Charismatic Realities in Kuwait. For the video and other write-ups please visit our Facebook page, YouTube and Instagram channel. Facebook : CharisKNSC YouTube: (Kindly Subscribe our YouTube Channel) Instagram : charis.knsc
Prayer Groups and Other Realities:
The details and functioning locations of various groups within Charis-Kuwait is detailed in the tabular form along with this page. For more details or to join in Prayer Groups of your Parish in accordance with your comfortable language you can join us in our Prayer Meetings and other activities as scheduled. Kindly contact the persons in charge through the contact details provided.
Explanations of the Charis Logo
The blue semi-circle on right represents both the world and the Mantle of Mary who protects us. Planted in the heart of the world is the tree of the Cross that saves us. The flame is that of the Holy Spirit who is to set fire to the world by the Baptism in the Spirit that we have received. We are represented above the flame in an act of praise animated by the flame of diverse colors indicating the universality of cultures and languages that are representative of the Charismatic Renewal spread throughout the world.