
Gaudete Sunday: The Third Advent Sunday 2024- year C.

Pink Candle: it represents joy and anticipation of Christmas.
1. Zep 3:14-18a: Song of Joy
2. Responsorial Psalm Is 12:2-3,4,5-6
3. Phil 4:4-7: Rejoice in the Lord Always.
4. Gospel Luke 3:10-18: what shall we do?

Gaudete in Domino Sempre (Rejoice in the Lord always).
Today we are celebrating the Gaudete Sunday: the joyful Sunday. The latin word Gaudete means rejoice. It tells us about the joy which is very near. Soon we will be celebrating the nativity of the Lord. The birth of our Lord Jesus. Therefore, the liturgy of the word helps us to experience that joy. The cause of our joy is the Lord. Prophet Zephaniah calls the people to sing joyfully because the Lord is in our midst. John the Baptist calls for a renewal of life and proposes the practical things to do. Saint Paul by writing to the church of Philippians resolve the problems that divides but have the same mind. Rejoice always in the Lord. We must rejoice because the Lord is amidst us.

Commentary on the readings:

First reading from the book of Prophet Zephaniah:
Historical setting of the book of Prophet Zephaniah:
A few years after the end of Josiah’s reign (609 B.C.), Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians (587 B.C.). The Babylonians killed many of the people of Judah, and carried the rest into exile in Babylonia. It is during this terrible time that Zephaniah predicts what is stated in the first chapter of this book. The book of Zephaniah has only three chapters.
The chapter three is divided as follow:
a) 3:1-7 the wickedness of Jerusalem,
b) 3:8-13 the punishment and conversion of the nation and
c) 3: 14-20 a song of Joy.

The last verses of the book and the chapter foresees a time when Yahweh will redeem his people- when they will be free from exile and allowed to return to Jerusalem from Babylon. For the prophet the time of punishment has ended and the time of rejoicing has come. They will experience it when they are redeemed.
Israel has seen many kings but Yahweh is their true king. This Judah- and Jerusalem will not die, destroy; it will be restored from Babylon. Restoration will take place. So as Yahweh as their king they will not fear. God will be present as a warrior to bring victory from their enemies. God will love his people. People may betray but God’s nature is to love.
This joyful song is a festive song because their God will be amidst them and they will be redeemed by their Lord.

Second reading from the Letter to Philippians:
St. Paul is telling the church of Philippians to rejoice in the lord always. Why?
Now Paul is in prison. He is very fond of the church of Philippians he has established. But he found out in the church there is a difficult situation between the two ministers of the church called Euodia and Syntyche. St. Paul by writing to the church of Philippians resolves their problem that divide them but invites them to have the same mind. Rivalry is the cause for disputes and sorrow, which takes away the joy of living. Therefore, saint Paul advices the church to Rejoice in the Lord always. To be gentle in behavior and live a life of prayer and supplications because the Lord is near.

Gospel of Luke 3: 10-18
John the Baptist proclaims the message of repentance. He calls everyone to prepare the way of the Lord. His proclamation is described as the good news. This good news of repentance is calling for the renewal of life. People are asking him what shall we do? John Baptist is instructing the crowd how they can renew and prepare for the Lord.
1. Crowd –for the crowd he tells to share their clothes and food with the needy.
2. Tax-collectors- take the just tax, do no extortion. Do not be greed.
3. Soldiers – you be satisfied with your wages and practice no irregularities.

Sermon Starter:

Sr. Cecilia Maria of the Holy Face (smiling face in life and death)

Rejoice always in the Lord.

Cecilia María Sánchez Sorondo was born on Dec. 5, 1973, in Argentina. At the age of 24 she entered the Discalced Carmelites monastery in the city of Santa Fe, receiving the name Cecilia María of the Holy Face. She was outgoing, spontaneous, happy, and embodied in her life friendship with Christ and love for others. She dedicated herself to prayer and the contemplative life, played the violin, and was known for her sweetness and permanent smile.

She was diagnosed with tongue cancer, and her illness worsened due to lung metastasis, so she had to be hospitalized. But she didn’t stop praying and offering the sufferings she endured, certain that her encounter with God was coming soon. Her last wish, which she wrote on a piece of paper, was: “I was thinking about what I wanted my funeral to be like. First a little intense prayer, and then a big party for everyone. Don’t forget to pray but don’t forget to celebrate either!”

Her testimony and the photos of her last days went around the world, especially because she kept her characteristic smile until the moment of her death, which occurred in Buenos Aires on June 23, 2016. Sister Cecilia Maria of the Holy Face died of cancer at age of 43. (cf. Julieta Villar/ACI Prensa/CAN).

Points to reflect
Rejoice in the Lord always:
1. Believe that your Lord is saving you.
2. Repent and bring renewal in life
3. Keep the Lord within you
4. Avoiding all types of disputes and having one mind in the Lord to rejoice.
5. Practice a just, gentle, prayerful and charitable life.

Let the smiling face of Jesus radiate your life. Smile is contagious. Birth of Jesus is the light in the darkness.

Fr. Marcus Fernandes OFM. Cap
(Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral, Awali)