
Homily of H.E. Bishop Aldo Berardi, O.SS.T., at the Conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of St. Arethas and Companions

– Our Lady of Arabia Cathedral, Awali, Bahrain
  25 October 2024

Today, we celebrate Saint Arethas and his Companions, the conclusion of the Jubilee in their honor, and most importantly, we celebrate Jesus, our Risen Lord. He has opened the Gates of Heaven, revealing to us the boundless love of God the Father and granting us the Holy Spirit to live as children of God. This Jubilee has been a true blessing for our vicariate, seen in countless pilgrimages, especially through the two Holy Doors where thousands entered with hearts open to grace, seeking conversion, forgiveness, and the strength to follow Jesus, who is our eternal Gate.

Though we are saddened to close the Holy Door, we remember that Jesus is forever our doorway to life and light. This Jubilee has deepened our understanding of our Christian heritage here in the Arabian Peninsula—a heritage that reaches back centuries. It is humbling to reflect on the many ancient churches, monasteries, and communities that once flourished here. We are connected to this history as we walk in the footsteps of those early Christians, honoring this land’s traditions and faith while expressing our own.

Through this Jubilee, we have rediscovered our special vocation to live as witnesses to the truth of our faith. Even when words are difficult to express, our actions can reflect Christ’s love. Daily, we are called to live with integrity, kindness, and honesty, showing our neighbors by example that we are trustworthy children of God.

The witness of the Martyrs of Najran is especially powerful. They sacrificed their lives rather than deny the Cross of Redemption, the divinity of Jesus, the Son of God, and the truth of the Holy Trinity. From their steadfastness, we confess today that Jesus was not merely a prophet or a holy man, but the very Son of God, who revealed Himself through the Resurrection. Our cathedral, while dedicated to Our Lady of Arabia, stands as a beacon of Christ’s Resurrection. Here we encounter God, receive His blessings and graces, and gather as a family in faith.

Soon we will prepare for Christmas when we will be reminded anew of the mystery of the Incarnation—God’s love made flesh in Jesus. This unfathomable mystery is beyond human understanding, but for God, nothing is impossible. Through Jesus, God took on our humanity, and through His death and resurrection, we have received the Holy Spirit. This is the reason we gather here, in the hope and belief that Jesus can touch our hearts and transform our lives.

Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has washed away our sins and made us a new creation. The cross, once an instrument of death, has become for us an instrument of life, through which we are redeemed and invited into the mystery of God’s love. The early Christians had to explain how this symbol of suffering became the source of our salvation, a mystery that continues to challenge us today. Yet, through Christ’s death and resurrection, we celebrate redemption anew, embracing the forgiveness and grace He has given us.

As God’s holy people, we have come to know Him more deeply, for He took on our flesh and touched our hearts. We are His sons and daughters, called to live in communion with the Holy Spirit, as brothers and sisters of Jesus. The Kingdom of God, the heart of the Holy Trinity, is open to us—a communion between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the eternal life that Jesus awaits to share with us, a life we can begin to live here and now as witnesses of His resurrection. This is the beautiful mystery revealed to the Martyrs, enabling them to offer their lives without hesitation.

As we conclude this Jubilee, let us continue our journey as witnesses—within our families, in our workplaces, and throughout this peninsula—reflecting the beauty of God. God is beautiful because He is love, and we encounter this love in the sacraments, in forgiveness, and when we receive the Body of Jesus, our Risen Lord, who is our Brother and the Giver of Life in the Holy Spirit.

We honor the Martyrs of Najran and all martyrs today who suffer for their faith in Jesus around the world. In solidarity, we offer them our prayers and love, knowing that in the end, it is the love of God that we all seek.

Happy feast to all of you!