Catechism Guidelines
P.O. BOX 266, SAFAT, 13003
Registration will be done as per the criteria on the application forms. Late registrations during the year should be supported by a letter from the respective parishes indicating that the child has attended the said class. The same criteria will also apply for registration to Sacrament Classes (Communion & Confirmation). If no supporting document is received for Sacrament Classes then the child will be made to start catechism instruction from the pre- Sacrament class.
The minimum criteria will be 90% attendance and 40% marks (minimum per test). It is compulsory that the child attends both tests. Those children whose average test results (especially Pre-Communion [Year 3] & Pre-Confirmation [Year 7] classes) are below the level of acceptance will be held back in the same class for another year.
A written reason for absence should be submitted on the last page of the Workbook with date, reason & signature of parent.
If the child remains absent in the class for more than six weeks, the name of the child will be struck-off from the register and he / she will have to continue in the same class the following year.
Parent’s Responsibility
Parents must look into the exercise book of their children or must review the exercise books of the children regularly to know of any notices or guidelines sent to parents and also to monitor the progress of their children. Parents should ensure to drop off / pick up their child on time.
Baptism Certificates
All children from the Communion & Confirmation class who are born outside Kuwait are kindly requested to submit a copy of their Baptism Certificate at the beginning of the year. Failure to do so will result in the child not receiving the Sacrament.
Parent’s Questions/Grievances should be addressed in writing to the Catechetical Director and handed over to the Catechism Coordinators. At no time should the teachers or coordinators be questioned. Also parents are not allowed to meet the catechists during class hours.
Language of Instruction
The Language of Instruction in the class will be in English.
Signed by:
1. Fr. Francisco Pereira, SDB, Director of Catechesis
2. Bishop Camillo Ballin, MCCJ, Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait
December 1, 2009