
Frequently Asked Questions about the Church in Kuwait

Welcome to the Catholic Church in Kuwait!
If you are new to Kuwait or just have some general questions, this is the page for you.
If the question that you have in mind is not listed here, please e-mail us at vicariate_clergy@hotmail.com
and we shall send you a reply as soon as possible. Thank You.

Church / Parish : Location, Address, Contact Details:

How many Catholic churches are there in Kuwait?
There are 4 Catholic Churches and 1 mission in Kuwait. They are in Kuwait City, Ahmadi, Salmiya and Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh. The Greek Catholic church conducts its services separately in Salwa.

I am new to Kuwait. Can you give me directions to the Catholic churches in Kuwait?
The location, addresses and other contact details of the Parish Churches Kuwait can be found by clicking on the following links:

Holy Family Cathedral Parish, Kuwait City
Our Lady of Arabia Parish, Ahmadi
St. Thérèse Parish, Salmiya
St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh

Is there a geographical boundary for each Parish? Do we have to register ourselves?
Yes, there are geographical boundaries for each Parish. Whilst you may decide which church to attend based on the convenience of its location and other factors, Baptisms, first Holy Communion, Confirmation and Weddings can ONLY take place in your Parish church. Presently, a survey of Catholic families which are in the area of every Parish is being carried out. It’s important to have a sense of belonging to a particular Parish community, so do get involved in Parish activities. Make yourself and your family known to your Parish Priest. 

How do I know which Parish I belong to?

Following are the Parish boundaries established within Kuwait. Kindly note that persons residing in these designated areas are deemed to be parishioners of that respective Parish:

Holy Family Cathedral Parish, Kuwait City:
Suleibikhat, Sharq, Safat, Bneid Al Gar, Shuwaikh, Khaitan, Farwaniya, Riggai, Omariya, Doha, Kaifan, Jahra, Mirqab, Andalus, Dasman, Shamiya, Yarmouk, Ardiya, Surra, Jabriya and Hawally.

Our Lady of Arabia Parish, Ahmadi:
Wafra, Mina Abdullah, Fahaheel, Mangaf, Abu Halifa, Fintas, Adan, Sabahiya, Riqqa, Hadiya, Mahboula, Magwa, Funaitees and Shuaiba.

St. Thérèse Parish, Salmiya:
Messila, Ras Salmiya, Salwa, Rumaithiya, Midan Hawally, Sabah Al Salem, Mishref and Bayan.

St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh:
Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Dhaieel, Airport, Wista, Subhan and Qurain 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Why do we say “Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia”, not “Diocese of Northern Arabia”?
An Apostolic Vicariate is a form of territorial jurisdiction of the Catholic Church established in missionary regions and countries which do not have a diocese yet. “Vicariate” is a provisional status, though it may last for a century or more, the ultimate hope being that the region will generate local clergy, sufficient numbers of Catholics and sufficient stability for the Church to erect a full-fledged diocese. The Vicariate is governed by a Bishop with the title of “Vicar Apostolic”.

Masses, Confession and Spiritual Devotions:

What are the Sunday Mass timings? Are there daily masses?
The Sunday and daily Mass timings can be found here: Mass Schedules for the 3 Parishes in Kuwait.
Please also see the Special Notices on that page for Mass timings in other regional languages.

I am a Maronite. Are there Masses held in the Maronite rite?
Yes, the Maronite rite Mass is held on Sunday at 8.30 p.m. in the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City. There are also other Services during the week. Please see the Maronite Congregation Web-site for a full schedule.

Are there Syro-Malabar services in all the parishes? On which days are they held?
Yes. Please see the Mass Schedules. Please ask your Parish Priest for any new schedules or changes in the Syro-Malabar or Syro-Malankara Service.

Are there Masses said in other languages besides English?
Presently, besides English, Masses are said in Arabic, Konkani, Tagalog, Malayalam, Tamil, Sinhalese, Korean, Spanish and Italian. Masses are also said (sometimes) in French and Polish. Depending on visiting Priests, Masses may be offered in languages to suit a particular regional community. Please contact your Parish Priest for new schedules from time to time.

When is the Sacrament of Confession available?
A priest is generally available for Confession during Mass and at other times by request.

We have heard that the Masses on Friday are valid for Sunday obligation?
Yes, in Kuwait, all morning and evening Masses on Friday and Saturday (evening only) celebrate the Sunday Liturgy of the following Sunday. These are all valid for Sunday Obligation.

What are the holy days of obligation in Kuwait? Are we required to attend mass on these holy days of obligation?
It is compulsory to attend Mass on holy days of obligation. Holy days of obligation for all in the Vicariate are as follows: Please see the list of holy days of obligation

What is meant by Eucharistic Fast?
The faithful must abstain from solid food and liquids for one hour before receiving Holy Communion.

Which are days of fast and abstinence? What is the rule of Abstinence prescribed for Kuwait?
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. Due to special circumstances in our Vicariate, abstinence is to be observed on every Wednesday during Lent. Out of devotion, abstinence is to be observed on every Wednesday during the year.

What are the Lenten regulations (fasting, etc) prescribed for Kuwait?
The Lenten regulations prescribed for Kuwait are listed here: Lenten Rules and Regulations.

What is meant by Easter Obligation?
Catholics are obliged to make a Confession and receive Holy Communion (at least once) during the Easter period.

What other spiritual devotions are available to the faithful?
We provide for many spiritual devotions in the three Parishes. Please click here for Novenas, Eucharistic adorations, Rosary and other devotions under each parish heading.

How and where can I offer Masses for departed souls?
You can offer Thanksgiving Masses and Masses for the Souls at any of the Parish offices for a nominal fee.

Church Hierarchy: Bishop, Priests, Deacon:

Who is the current Bishop?
His Lordship Bishop Aldo Berardi O.SS.T. is the current Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia).

What is a Bishop?
A Bishop is one who has received the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which makes him a member of the episcopal college and a successor of the Apostles. He is the shepherd of a particular church (diocese, archdiocese, vicariate) entrusted to him.

What is the role / duty of a Bishop?
Bishops play a number of different roles – The Bishop can be regarded as Apostle, Prophet, Chief Priest, Leader, Pastor and Teacher. In addition to all this, Bishops are required by the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church to perform administrative duties in their particular diocese (vicariate).

What is the jurisdiction of the (Bishop) Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia?
The jurisdiction over all Catholics, of whatever Rite or nationality, present in the territory of the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia, belongs exclusively to the (Bishop) Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia. According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, a Vicar Apostolic is equivalent in law to a diocesan bishop, possessing all ordinary jurisdiction and enjoying the usual rights, faculties, privileges and obligations. However, rather than exercising this governance in his own name, he does so in the name of the Supreme Pontiff.

How do we address the Bishops and Priests in Kuwait?
You may address the (Local Head) Bishop as “Bishop Camillo” or “Your Lordship”. You may address the Papal Nuncio (Archbishop) as “Your Grace” or “Your Excellency”. The Priests may be addressed as “Father” or “Reverend Father”.

Do we have more than one Bishop residing in Kuwait?
The (Archbishop) Apostolic / Papal  Nuncio to Kuwait & some other Gulf countries, also resides in Kuwait, at the Vatican Embassy on the Gulf Road. Please click here for more information on the Apostolic Nunciature in Kuwait.

Do we need an appointment to meet the Bishop?
To suit the convenience of both the Bishop and yourself, it may be necessary to make a prior appointment. You may do so by calling the Cathedral office during office hours.

Is there a Priest available for spiritual guidance during the day time?
You may make a prior appointment to meet with a Priest during the day time. Please contact the Priest personally or by e-mail. You may also phone the Parish office during office hours to make your appointment.

How do we address the Deacon?
You may address the Deacon as “Deacon” or “Deacon (Name)”. See the Deacon’s profile here.

What are the duties of a Deacon?
A Deacon is generally an ordained Church minister who may perform the duties of a Priest (if none is available), except say Mass and hear Confession. He assists the Bishop, and in the Parish, he teaches and administers certain tasks. An ordained Deacon may be a married person, too.

I have a few questions on Church matters and the Faith. How can I get them answered?
The Bishop welcomes all your faith and spiritual related questions in the “ASK THE BISHOP” section of our website. Please click here to send your question  to the Bishop. Please click here to view all answers  given by the Bishop to previous questions.

Reception of the Sacraments, Baptism Certificate, etc:

I was baptized in the Ahmadi Church, Kuwait. How can I obtain my baptism certificate?
If you have been baptized in Kuwait, either at the Cathedral or at Ahmadi, and if you are presently residing out of Kuwait, all you have to do is provide us with your exact name, date of birth, date of baptism and where you were baptized (Cathedral or Ahmadi) and your postal address and send it to us by e-mail. Please see here for the e-mail address and we will prepare the certificate and send it to you.  For those still residing in Kuwait, you have to contact the Parish office and they will provide you with the certificate.

What is the procedure to get a baby baptized?
Please see the Requirements for Baptism  in our Vicariate.

How do I register my child(ren) for Religious Education Classes? Where are they held? On what days?
Catechism Classes are regularly and annually conducted in the 3 Parishes on Friday mornings for Children / Youth in the range of Beginners to Post Confirmation. The religious instruction imparted prepares them for the reception of the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please see the Parish Schedules for further details. You may also contact the Catechism co-ordinators who are available at the Parishes on Friday mornings.

What is the procedure for children wanting to avail of First Holy Communion and Confirmation?
Please see the Requirements for First Holy Communion  and Confirmation in Kuwait. You may also meet the Parish Priest who will advise you accordingly.

My fiance and I are both Catholics. We would like to get married in Kuwait. How can I arrange this?
Please see the Requirements for a Church Marriage in Kuwait. You may also meet the Parish Priest who will advise you accordingly.

Do you have any instruction available for those preparing for marriage?
Yes, Marriage Preparation Courses are conducted annually, every 3 or 4 months in Kuwait. They are compulsory for those intending to marry in the Catholic Church. Following are the Dates and Venues for the Marriage Preparation Courses that are held in Kuwait during the year.

Pastoral Council, Family and Parish Communities:

What is the “Pastoral Council”? Who are its members?
The first Kuwait Pastoral Council (KPC) was established in May 2009. It is an advisory body which collaborates in the pastoral work of the Vicariate, along with the Bishop and the clergy. Whenever necessary, parishioners are requested to communicate their suggestions through a KPC member.

I have a lot of spare time during the evenings. Are there parish programs I can involve myself in?
There’s a lot for you and your family to do and get involved in the Parish. We have various Parish ministries / groups such as the Legion of Mary, the Charismatic Renewal, Couples for Christ and Youth Groups that conduct regular meetings and activities during the week. Besides, there are many regional choirs that one can belong to. Bible Study Classes are also held. Please click here to see the Parish Groups’ Schedules  in the 3 Parishes.

I would like to read at Mass and my son would like to serve at Mass. Whom should we contact?
Please contact the Deacon at the Holy Family Cathedral. You may also contact the Parish Priest.

Are there Catholic Schools / Convents in Kuwait?
There are three Schools in Kuwait which are managed by Catholic Religious Communities. The Fajer Al Sabah (Arabic) School  run by the Rosary Sisters is located in Jabriya. The Carmel School run by the Apostolic Carmel Sisters is located in Kheitan and the Indian English Academy School run by the Salesians of Don Bosco is located in Salmiya.

Can you recommend a child or teen counselor for my child?
All our Priests and Religious Sisters offer spiritual and general counselling when necessary. Please contact any of them personally or through the Parish office.

What activities do you provide for the Youth of our Parishes?
The Kuwait City Parish youth meet every Saturday at 7.00 p.m. in the Bishop’s House (Basement). Youth between 25 to 35 years and interested in joining this group are requested to attend.
The Salmiya Parish youth meet at 7.30 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. Those interested may contact the Chapel office.
Summer Camps are held during the Summer (June – Aug) for children and youth. Please contact the Parish offices or the Salesians of Don Bosco (Block 212, Plot 215, Al Dahak Ben Kays Street, Salmiya, Kuwait) in this regard.

Do you offer counselling for those who feel the call to a vocation?
Yes. Please contact the Bishop personally for your spiritual guidance.

Is a marriage counselor available? We feel the need to talk to someone about our problems.
All our Priests and Religious Sisters offer spiritual and general counselling when necessary. Please contact any of them personally or through the Parish office.

Are there marriage enrichment programs in the parish?
“Couples for Christ” provides a number of enrichment programs for singles, married couples and families. Please contact them in this regard.

General Questions:

Where can I learn more about the history of the Church in Kuwait?
“Christians in Kuwait” and  “Pastor in Kuwait” – two books authored by Bishop Victor San Miguel (Second Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait) have been earlier published. They offer a rich insight into the beginnings of the Catholic Church in Kuwait. “Pastor in Kuwait” is available in the Cathedral Resource Centre (depending on stock). The contents of both books have been made available in concise form on our website in the Historical Timeline Section. You can also learn more about the previous Bishops who served in Kuwait.

Do you have directions to the Sulaibikhat cemetery. What are the timings for visits?
Please see the following map for directions to the Sulaibikhat cemetery. The cemetery is open for visits from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

We are visiting Dubai shortly. Do you have any information about the Catholic Church there and the Mass timings?
We have a list of Catholic churches and institutions in the Arabian Peninsula with postal addresses and phone numbers. Websites / E-mail addresses, if known, are provided through links. The comprehensive list covers the U.A.E., Yemen and Oman.

If a family member is homebound, how can I arrange for Holy Communion at home?
Please contact the Parish Priest and he will depute an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion to visit your home or the hospital, as the case may be. We appreciate knowing when a parishioner is in the hospital.

How can I contact a Priest to administer the Sacrament of Anointing?
We respond to emergencies at any time, day or night. However, please give us a call before the patient becomes critically ill.

Where can I send a request for prayers?
Please see our Prayer Request Page. Your petition will be printed and placed in the prayer basket at the Altar, at the following Night Vigil of the month, at the Holy Family Cathedral.

I want to have a house blessing. How can I arrange this?
Please contact the Parish Priest and arrange for a convenient time.

I like to keep a bottle of Holy Water in the house. Where can I obtain some?
Please contact the Sacristy to obtain Holy Water.

Is it possible to have my new car blessed by the Priest or Deacon?
Yes. Please contact either one, before or after Mass. Similarly, you may also bless other household articles.

Do you have a weekly or monthly Parish bulletin?
We send out an electronic “Vicariate Newsletter” via e-mail to subscribers every Sunday. For a free subscription, please click here to sign up http://www.egroups.com/subscribe/vicariate_news.
You may also view the online version of this week’s newsletter here.

Where can I buy religious material such as a Bible and a Rosary?
You can do so from the Cathedral Resource Centre, Kuwait City (everyday, except, Mondays). It has a wide range of Christian and Catholic religious materials, books, music CDs, etc. The same are available (with limited choice) at the Resource Centre of the Salmiya Chapel.

I am searching for a special prayer. Can you help me?
Please see our Section on Prayers. If we do not have it on our web-site, please e-mail the webmaster (holyfamily_kuwait@hotmail.com) with your request.

We have a cousin who is a Priest and he wants to visit Kuwait. Can the Church arrange for his visa?
The Church has no means by which it can arrange for private visas.

What is the procedure to be followed by Priests visiting Kuwait?
Visiting Priests are requested to please meet the Bishop and Parish Priest at the beginning of their stay in Kuwait. This is to ensure that their stay will be a fruitful one and also to communicate guidelines to be observed for conducting private services, collecting funds, etc.