Rev. Fr. Ruben Belmonte Barrameda, Jr. (Fr. Ben)
“Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchiz’edek.” — Hebrews 5:6

Birth Date : 19 March 1975
Ordained Priest : 3 April 2004
Joined the Vicariate : 31 July 2006
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ay not, ‘I am too young.’ To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak. Have no fear before them, because I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD. – Jeremiah 1:7-8
Reverend Father Ruben Barrameda, Jr. was born on March 19, 1975 through the fruitful love of his parents the late Ruben Bañadera Barrameda, Sr. and Olivia Muñoz Belmonte both natives of Bacacay, Albay Philippines. His siblings are Jesus Darcy, Agnes, Arvin, Ramon Jeoffrey and the late Kim Anthony.
His native place, Bacacay, Albay is currently known as the vocation capital of the Philippines having 79 living priests, a deacon and the local clergy of his town are serving the universal church.
He finished his primary and secondary education in his native place. In 1991, he entered the seminary and finished his Bachelor in Arts Major in Philosophy and Minor in Religious Education at Mary Mother of Salvation Major Seminary, Sipi, Daraga Albay in 1996.
After his seminary years in college, he left the seminary for a two-year leave of absence to discern more about his priestly vocation.
In 1997, he worked while in pastoral regency at the Legazpi Diocesan Social Action Center as a refresher stage to re-enter the seminary. The following year 1998, he entered the theology seminary at the Holy Rosary Major Seminary, Naga City. In the year 2002, he has been an Assistant Hospital Chaplain while taking his Diploma Course in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at San Juan de Dios Hospital, Pasay City. He finished his Bachelor of Arts Major in Theology in the year 2003. He was ordained deacon on April 5, 2003 at the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Great, Legazpi City and after a year he was ordained as a diocesan priest on April 3, 2004, through the hands of His Excellency Most Reverend Jose C. Sorra, D.D.
His Bishop then sent him for further studies in Manila for clinical therapy and psychology course. His chosen course helped him a lot especially in his pastoral work as a priest. He began to love his apostolate in various Drug Rehabilitation Centers and Therapeutic Communities around Manila. He served the Diocese of Cubao while studying and during this year, he served several parishes due to the pastoral need of the diocese. He ministered the Parishes of Sto. Cristo de Bungad, St. Paul the Apostle and the Sto. Niño Parish and Shrine. Hand in hand with his studies and pastoral ministry he also served the Capitol Medical Center in Quezon City as an Assistant Hospital Chaplain. It further made him extend charity to help the sick and the problematic people especially those who are in addictive situation and hopeless cases. He constantly believed that caring for people is a continuation of Christ’s healing ministry. It is a way of sharing the love and mercy of Jesus towards people in need of help.
With this pastoral experience he was enlightened also to try mission work for the Filipinos in Diaspora and to serve the migrant workers. On February 1, 2006, he came to Kuwait as a guest priest and his new Bishop, Most Rev. Nestor C. Cariño allowed him to continue his ministry in the Vicariate of Kuwait for one year and Bishop Camillo Ballin accepted him to become one of the priests here in the Vicariate.
He officially joined the Vicariate on July 31, 2006 and was assigned to the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City, where he spent six fruitful years of ministry as a diocesan missionary.
He was assigned as Assistant Priest at St. Thérèse Parish, Salmiya, Kuwait from 9th July 2012 till August 2023
Currently he is assigned to the Parish of Our Lady of Arabia, Ahmadi, in charge of the Filipino communities of Salmiya and Ahmadi. He preserves his canonical statuts of Assistant in communion with his parish priest.
He has been appointed as VICAR DELEGATE (Vicar General) according to Can 475-481 for 3 years (with canonical effect from October 1st, 2023), continuing his residence in Ahmadi..
NOTIFICATION FROM THE BISHOP’S OFFICE: 083 / 2009 DECREE OF INCARDINATION 28th August 2009 To, Beloved in Christ Fr. Ruben, You have expressed in your letters dated of 11 September 2007 and of 25 March 2009, affirming it by oath, your will and your request to serve perpetually in our Vicariate of Kuwait. We have considered carefully the pastoral needs of our Vicariate and attending to the canonical prescriptions of your title of Ordination, have obtained your canonical excardination from the Diocese of Legaspi, this being done after a prudent examination of your life, morals and studies and after a series of consultation with the Priests’ Council of our Vicariate. Now, therefore, in accord with the Canonical provisions, we incardinate you into this Vicariate of Kuwait and declare you so incardinated, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Given at the Bishop’s House, Kuwait City, under our sign and seal and by signature of our Chancellor, this 28th day of August, Memory of St. Augustine, in the year of Our Lord 2009.