Salesians of Don Bosco in Kuwait

Brief History of the Salesian Congregation
The Salesians are a worldwide organization founded by St. John Bosco, the third largest Catholic religious order in the world! Don Bosco gathered a number of priests and lay people together to found a religious congregation in the Catholic Church. He called this congregation the Salesian Society. It was named after St. Francis de Sales who was known for his kind and gentle manner, a trait which Don Bosco wanted his Salesians to acquire. He also chose Mary, Help of Christans, as the patroness of the Salesian Society.
The educational work of Don Bosco is carried on today by an organization linked by philosophy and purpose to a worldwide network called the Salesian Family. The Salesian Society (SDB), is a community of priests and brothers with religious vows. The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), also known as the Salesian Sisters, is a similar institute for women. Lay persons who participate in the Salesian work from their homes or places of business are known as Salesian Co-operators. A secular Institute of men and women with religious vows who live in their homes without the outward signs of consecrated life are known as the Don Bosco Volunteers. The Past-Pupils Association consists of students who have been members of Salesian Institutions; they also form part of the Salesian Family.
As pioneers in the field of education of the youth, the Salesians can be found worldwide in many different initiatives on behalf of young people: schools, oratories, youth centers, technical and professional training centers, parishes, foreign missions, and activities in the realm of mass media and social communications.
The Salesians have started a school in the State of Kuwait since April 2002 under the title, “THE INDIAN ENGLISH ACADEMY SCHOOL”.
The Indian English Academy School in Kuwait
As graphically pictured in the School Logo, the “Burning Torch” and the “Flying Bird” are the symbols of the vision of Indian English Academy School.
This vision instills in every student the deep conviction: I AM BORN FOR GREATER THINGS.
The goal therefore, is INTEGRAL EDUCATION, to which Indian English Academy School is primarily committed and towards which it directs all talents, activities and energies. Integral Education embraces ;-
- Inculcating moral uprightness
- Developing physical and aesthetic talents
- Fostering intellectual skills and competence
- Training in occupational skills
- Furthering cultural development and social integration
At Indian English Academy School, the process of education consists in involving young people, their parents or guardians together with the Management and Staff in an atmosphere of family to form an EDUCATIVE COMMUNITY.
The educational method hinges on three basic principles:
- Reason
- Faith in God
- Loving Kindness
Based on the conviction that the heart of education is the education of the heart, Indian English Academy School aims at transforming our students into honest citizens who will take their rightful place and play a responsible role in society.
Indian English Academy school is recognized by the Ministry of Education, Kuwait and follows the syllabus of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. The school prepares the students for the All India Secondary School Examination (AISSE/Std. X).
Indian English Academy School opened admissions in the year 2002-2003, for lower school to Std. VI. This will further be extended to Std. X in due time. Plans to introduce National Open School curriculum (NOS, India) are under consideration. This would benefit those students who could not complete their schooling and now desire to do so.
The Academic Year comprises of :
First Term – April to June
Second Term – September to November
Third Term – December to March
Indian English Academy School is presently housed in a purpose built construction befitting its educational status. It is situated at:
Block 212, Plot 215 Tel No: 5612405 Fax No: 5612420 |
It has spacious class rooms, science and computer laboratories, library, audio-visual hall, open quadrangle and rooms for indoor games, music, drama and dance. The school facilitates learning and integral development of the students by organizing ‘Talent Research Programmes’.
Indian English Academy School has the required laboratory space and modern equipment with the latest information technology systems. The Internet facility will be made available to the students through the computer laboratory. The library has an adequate stock of educational books and a section for video tapes, CD Roms, DVD’s and other audio-visual equipments and software.
Indian English Academy School recognizes the educative and hygienic value of sports and games. Physical training programmes and coaching in various games form part of the integral education. Facilities and sports equipments are provided for indoor and outdoor games.
Salesian Co-operators: A Special Call

is the soul of the Congregation.” |
HISTORY The Salesian Co-operators were the first helpers of Don Bosco since 1841. In fact, it is from their ranks that Don Bosco formed the first group of religious members. The Association was approved by Pope Pius IX on 9th May 1876. Today the Salesian Co-operators are a bunch of the Salesian family and share in the charism and mission of the Salesian Family at the service of the young particularly the poor and marginalized youth in society. ORGANISATION Catholics above the age of 16 may be enrolled as Salesian Co-operators, provided they feel the call to Christian witness by their own lives and lead young people to the love of Jesus Christ following the teachings and example of Don Bosco. A probationary period of formation (at least one year), helps the candidates to discern their call, by knowing the regulations, understanding the Salesian spirit and involving themselves in youth apostolate. The candidates are then invited to make “The Promise” which entitles them to be members of the Association of Salesian Co-operators |