Sisters of the Rosary Congregation in Kuwait

Brief History of the Congregation
The Rosary Congregation was established in Jerusalem in the year 1880 by Mother Marie Alphonsine from Jerusalem and Fr. Yousef Tannous from Nazareth, Chancellor of the Latin Patriarchate, assisted by the then Patriarch Vincent Bracco.
The Objectives of the Congregation are :
- To serve the public through the development of schools and cultural centers .
- To serve the public in through the establishment/development of hospitals .
- To open Centers for the teaching of tailoring and needle work.
The Congregation has its doctrinal regulations which are binding to its members in addition to the three vows which are :
- The Vow of Chastity,
- The Vow of Poverty, and
- The Vow of Obedience.
With these vows the members pledge to be consecrated in full devotion to God and service of the people.
The Rosary Congregation has been established for service in the Arab Countries only. Over the decades, the Congregation has grown and prospered and now has branches in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Rome, Egypt, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.
The Fajer Al Sabah School (Est. 1961) Jabriya

The Fajer Al Sabah School is a private school offering classes from Kindergarten upto entrance to University. It is located in Jabriya. The Fajer Al Sabah School was opened in 1961, coinciding with the year of Kuwait’s Independence. The school started with 204 students of Kindergarten and Primary Stages. Thanks and gratitude to the (late) Minister of Education at that time, His Excellency, Sheikh Abdullah Jaber Al-Sabah for all his help and concern, which gave the school a solid foundation to face the exciting challenges of the future.
In 1968, the Intermediate Stage was opened and was shortly followed by the Secondary Stage in 1971. In 2001, the school holds a record number of 3989 students. The Fajer Al-Sabah School takes pride in being distinguished by its students as well as the best of teachers. Through the generosity and dedication of the staff and administration, the school aims at preparing the students to be decision makers and the hope of the future. The students are trained to be responsible citizens and aware not only of their rights, but, also of their duties.
All along, the Fajer Al-Sabah school has grown and flourished to become a landmark of education and culture to the new generation. Each Stage of the school has its own separate administration, but they all share one common goal, which is success and distinction. The school adminnistration believes that a good education is based on good discipline. Consequently, a code of conduct was made an essential part of the rules and regulations of the school, at the same time giving due attention to the instilling of religious principles, morals and patriotism in the students.
The harmonious relationship between the school administration, staff, students and parents is one of the main factors for the school’s success. The persistence, dedication, perseverance, patience, love and cooperation of the Fajer Al-Sabah School Community goes a long way in helping the students to achieve excellent results in the School Leaving Certificate Examination. As the saying goes – “A tree is known by its fruits and the value of the land is recognized only when the harvest comes.”
A noteworthy feature of the school is the participation of the students in both curricular and extra-curricular competitions held regularly by the Ministry of Education and the Private Educational Administration. The Fajer Al-Sabah School has always achieved the first position in competitions relating to all fields of education such as : Recitation of the Holy Koran, Science, Literature, English, Arts, Sports and Music. The school has also taken part in the celebration of festivities relating to national occasions.
The school administration thanks God for His grace and blessings over the years. The school is deeply grateful to the Ministry of Education and the Private Educational Adminstration for their support, assistance and aid.
“…. God bless His Highness the Amir, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince, Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah …. God bless the State of Kuwait and its people …. and lastly, we implore God’s blessings on the Fajer Al-Sabah School, its administration, staff and students and pray that we shall forever remain a beacon of light in the areas of education, morals and culture.” — is the echo which resounds in the heart of every single person at the Fajer Al-Sabah School.