Our Faith
The History of the Roman Catholic Church covers a period of just under two thousand years, making the Church one of the oldest religious institutions in history. As one of the oldest branches of Christianity, the history of the Roman Catholic Church plays an integral part of the History of Christianity as a whole.
The history of the Catholic Church is vast and complex, covering many different eras in which the Church itself underwent radical and widespread changes. However, the modern day Roman Catholic Church remains unchanged in its substantial teachings and organisation from the original church of the first century.
To Tell You The Whole Truth About The Catholic Church And The Bible
The pastor and parishioners of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune who have put this booklet together, hope you find it interesting (short as it is). It is only a bird’s eye view of the history of the Church and the Bible, with short answers to a few common questions. Many of the questions were asked by people who are familiar with the King James Version of the Bible, so they decided to use quotations from that version, unless otherwise indicated. You are invited to research history, the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Bible in order to arrive at the whole truth which has been revealed to us by God. Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32