Our Faith
A D V E N T I S A T I M E O F H O P E ...
“…LORD, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life;
and we have believed, and have come to know, that You are
the Holy One of God.” — (cf. John 6:68,69)
These words of Peter sum up the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son, who was given to the World on that night of Bethlehem, to bring hope into the hearts and lives of the hopeless… The Season of Advent assures us of the unchangeable hope of Christmas and points beyond the painful realities of life towards the LIGHT and transforming power of Jesus, waiting to be re-born in our frightened and lonely hearts darkened by gloom and sin …
During Advent, let our prayer be: “Lord Jesus, teach us to know Your Holy Word, rely on Your Promises and turn our hearts from sadness and sin to Your light and love. Come Lord Jesus, do not delay.”
A D V E N T A C T I O N :- Share your Hope in Christ with others.

A D V E N T I S A T I M E O F P R E P A R A T I O N ...
A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” — Isaiah 40:3
During the days of the Prophet Isaiah, darkness as black as pitch prevailed upon the land through the sin of the people and the coming judgment by the hand of God… But out of the darkness a voice was heard that spoke of the hope of God’s Messiah coming to save God’s people…(cf. Is. 9:2)
Advent is a time of intense preparation.. The Advent liturgy resounds with the longing cries of the Hebrew prophets, the voice of Jesus, and John the Baptist’s preaching that the Lord is near. As we prepare ourselves to receive the new-born in a lowly manger at Bethlehem, it brings us closer and closer to our need to be reconciled with Christ in His Church. Preparing the way for God’s reign in the world involves CHANGE; moving on from old ways and living a different life. Christ’s words will fall on deaf ears until we humbly admit our sins and our need for His forgiveness.
During Advent, let our prayer be: “Lord, forgive my past sins and help me overcome my sinful ways. Jesus, come into my heart this very moment and help me to make a new beginning.”
A D V E N T A C T I O N :- Begin early in Advent to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), at the same time reconciling with others.

A D V E N T : A T I M E O F J O Y F U L A N T I C I P A T I O N ...
“Take heed, watch; for you do not know when the time will come.”
— Mark 13:33
Advent means “coming” and during the four weeks of Advent, we will prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Jesus’ coming… We celebrate both His fulfilling of the Old Testament prophecy, and since His Ascension, we now hope for His return, the “Second Advent”.
Advent is a time characterized by joyful waiting. “Waiting” for the Christian means listening for God’s timetable rather than our own. Waiting helps us see our true longing for the Kingdom of Heaven and our ultimate peace.
During Advent, let our prayer be: “Maranatha! Our Lord, Come! … Lord Jesus, You who came from the Father, lead us to Him in the Holy Spirit, along the path which You alone know and which You have revealed to us, that we might have life and have it in abundance.”
A D V E N T A C T I O N :- Be “Messengers” of the Good News. “Watch” and pray with others. Read God’s Holy Word. Receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness, as symbolized by the Advent Wreath. The Advent Wreath represents God’s love. Advent WreathThe evergreen and the circle (wreath) symbolize that God is Eternal and always with us.
The candles represent Jesus, the Light of the World … the ONE Light that dispels darkness. The four Advent candles are lit for each of the four Advent Sundays. Advent is traditionally considered a season of penitence and fasting, to prepare for Christmas, and its liturgical color is purple – the three purple candles reflect this and also the sorrow we feel for not loving Jesus enough. The rose candle is lit on the 3rd Sunday (Gaudete Sunday) in joyful anticipation of Christmas. Some Advent Wreaths have a white candle in the centre – This candle represents Christ and is lit on Christmas Day.
| What is Advent..? | How Did Advent Come About..? |
| Advent Calendar | Family Advent Customs |
| The Jesse Tree | The O Antiphons of Advent |
| Advent Readings & Reflections |
| Praying Advent Resources |