Season of Lent
Our Faith

Prayers and Reflections for the Season of Lent. Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia. All Rights Reserved.
“Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days and forty nights.” (Matthew 4:1-2)
You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. — (Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
By the solemn forty days of Lent, the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus who spent forty days in the wilderness praying and fasting to prepare for His ministry, which culminated in His death and resurrection. By our understanding of Lent and its principal events, we will know what is expected of us…[What is Lent?] [Principal Events of Lent]
Did Jesus die a premature death? Why did He die such a shameful and painful death? With an understanding of why Jesus died on the Cross, we come face-to-face with the unconditional and total love of God for humanity. The Cross is the glory of Christ, and His exaltation; it is the chalice which He lovingly embraced, the consummation of His sufferings on our behalf. Listen to His words, “When I am lifted up, I will draw all people to myself” .. [Reflection on the Cross] [The Old Rugged Cross]
Lent is a special time of the year which can lead to a deepening of our faith, if we make use of it. During the entire Lenten season, we are called to Prayer, Repentance, Fasting, Abstinence and Almsgiving. The Church offers spiritual direction to help us in our observance of Lent. If we are diligent, with God’s help, we are sure to reap abundant graces in this season.. [Our Observance of Lent] [Lenten Regulations]
Prayer helps us to embody what this season is about. The Stations of the Cross continue to be a popular devotion during Lent. It was developed during the Crusades when the knights and pilgrims began to follow Christ’s Way to Calvary along a route known today as the Via Dolorosa. This devotion was later spread throughout Europe by the Franciscan friars. Today we continue this tradition in our local churches. Can we deny our Lord, the sweetest of prayers? [Prayers for Lent] [Lent & Easter Prayers]
Lent is a time of spiritual spring-cleaning. Thus it is the perfect time for making changes in who we are. We can use this season of waiting and change to assess our personal lives and pause for a brief time to remember the significant moments in our lives when the brilliant Light of God helped us to get through a tough day, or just made an ordinary day seem so beautiful.. [One Minute Meditations for Lent]
Mother Mary’s Journey with her Son – Stations of the Cross – BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY OF FAITH WITH JESUS AND HIS BLESSED MOTHER |
The Limpias CrucifixCross of Jesus, Cross of sorrow,
Where the blood of Christ was shed,
Perfect Man on thee did suffer,
Perfect God on thee has bled!
Here the King of all the ages,
Throned in light ere worlds could be,
Robed in mortal flesh is dying,
Crucified by sin for me.
O mysterious condescending!
O abandonment sublime!
Very God Himself is bearing
All the sufferings of time!
Evermore for human failure
By His passion we can plead;
God has born all mortal anguish,
Surely He will know our need.
This—all human thought surpassing—
This is earth’s most awful hour,
God has taken mortal weakness!
God has laid aside His Power!
The Limpias CrucifixOnce the Lord of brilliant seraphs,
Winged with love to do His will,
Now the scorn of all His creatures,
And the aim of every ill.
Up in Heaven, sublimest glory
Circled round Him from the first;
But the earth finds none to serve Him,
None to quench His raging thirst.
Who shall fathom that descending,
From the rainbow circled throne,
Down to earth’s most base profaning,
Dying desolate alone.
From the “Holy, Holy, Holy,
We adore Thee, O most High,”
Down to earth’s blaspheming voices
And the shout of “Crucify.”

Picture of the Cross: