Holy Family Cathedral Parish – Holy Family Prayer Group, Kuwait
Ministry Profile
This ministry has been operating for over 30 years in the Holy Family Cathedral Parish under the supervision of the Holy Family Prayer Group, Kuwait. The role of this ministry is to reach out to those languishing in prison and to the sick, home-bound and bed-ridden undergoing physical pain and suffering. This ministry is based on Mathew 25:36–40 and consists of Commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and active parishioners. The foremost purpose of this ministry is to provide a special compassionate care, prayers and encouragement for all parishioners who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to their homes; to provide pastoral care to the inmates and their families by ministering to them in dark times and to show love, as Christ showed love as well as to bring Jesus to them by providing Holy Communion, on request. It is a ministry that delivers the message of salvation to the prisoners, the sick, the aged and the dying.
Ministry Contacts
Robin Lasrado – Ministry Leader – Tel: 9902.3224 (Mob.) / 2561.0572 (Res.)
Priya Mascarenhas – Asst. Ministry Leader – Tel: 6510.0670 (Mob.)
And/or Email: hvmkuwait@gmail.com
Meeting & Visit Timing & Locations
Day: Every Friday
Time: 9:00 – 9:30 am
Location: Bishop’s Parlour, Holy Family Catherdral, Kuwait City
Visits (to pray, encourage and / or to bring communion to the sick and the home bound and those in prison):
Hospital: Every Friday after the meeting. Visits are also undertaken during the week days either on request or as required.
Prison: Tuesday (or any day convenient to the members visiting the prison).
Would You like to Volunteer / Get Involved in Our Ministry?
Then, you must ……
- Attend ministry meetings
- Be Committed to continuous training and spiritual development
- Be Prayerful
- Have Gentleness of manner
- Be Compassionate and understanding