Monthly Archives: April 2021

Year B – Fifth Sunday of Easter

STAY CONNECTED I have a router which I often carry with me. This is I do, so that I am always connected, above all with those in my community and when they are close to me are also connected. Once … Continue reading

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Year B – Fourth Sunday of Easter

The Folly of the Love of the Shepherd (Jn 10:11-18) Today, the 4th Sunday of Easter is celebrated as the Good Shepherd Sunday. We think of the ‘pastoral’ love of God, as we also pray for vocations to priesthood; priests … Continue reading

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Year B – Third Sunday of Easter

PEACE BE WITH YOU Peace be with you One sentence that we hear repeated so often in the Eastertide is, “Peace be with you.” Every time Jesus appears to his apostles he greets them, “Shalom aleichem!” Earlier, in the course … Continue reading

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Year B – Divine Mercy Sunday

THE DIVINE MERCY Happy feast of Easter! Easter is the prototype of all Christian feasts. It is such a great event that one day of celebration does not suffice. We needed eight days of liturgical celebrations. Yes, today we conclude … Continue reading

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Year B – EASTER – The Resurrection of the Lord

EASTER – ITS SYMBOLS EXPLAINED It is no easy task to put into words the sheer immensity of the Resurrection, therefore it is always easier to translate the Easter mystery into signs and symbols that are better understood by everyone. … Continue reading

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