Monthly Archives: July 2023

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 30th July 2023

Seeking Wisdom, Surrendering to God, Finding the Treasure/Pearl Green, Psalter Week -1 Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap 1st Reading: (1Kings 3:5, 7-12)- Solomon could have asked for riches, but rather he asked for the ability to fulfil his God given … Continue reading

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16th Sunday in Ordinary Time- 23rd July 2023

WHY PARABLES? WHY DARNEL? WHY MUSTARD SEED? WHY LEAVEN? Wis 12:13, 16-19; Rom 8: 26-27; Mt. 13: 24-43 Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap Why Jesus used parables in his teaching & preaching? Parables were stories that Jesus told to describe … Continue reading

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15th Sunday in Ordinary Time- 16th July 2023

The Parable of The Sower, The Seed and The Soils Isaiah 55:10-11; Romans 8: 18-23; Mt. 13:1-9 Green, Psalter Week III Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap Introduction: The first recorded parable of Jesus most probably was “The Parable of the … Continue reading

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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 9th July 2023

COME TO ME AND REST Year A-Green, Psalter Week II Zech 9:9-10; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30 Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap STORY: One of the classic films of 1987 was The Mission. In it, a soldier, Captain Mendoza, kills … Continue reading

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