Monthly Archives: January 2024

4th Sunday in ordinary Time, Year B, 28th January 2024

  Dealing with the “Spiritual Terrorists” in the church Deut 18: 15-20; 1 Cor 7: 32-35; Mark 1: 21-28   Intro: In today’s gospel we read about a great move of God that took place in the city of Capernaum. … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B-21st January 2024

Jonah The Reluctant Prophet Jonah 3:1-5,10; 1 Cor 7: 29-31; Mark 1: 14-20 Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap Introduction: The book of Jonah is a short book, 4 chapters. Some believe the story is allegorical or a metaphor for the … Continue reading

Posted in 2023-2024, Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap., Ordinary Time II, YEAR B | Comments Off on 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B-21st January 2024

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B- 14th January 2024

Would you be an Andrew for Jesus? 1 Sam 3: 3-10,19; 1Cor 6:13-15, 17-20; John 1:35-42 Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap  Intro-The story of Edward Kimball. Many of us have never heard of Edward Kimball, a Sunday school teacher. He … Continue reading

Posted in 2023-2024, Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap., Ordinary Time II, YEAR B | Comments Off on 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B- 14th January 2024

Epiphany- 7th January 2024

 What can we learn from the wise magi?  Isaiah 60:1-6; Eph 3;2-6; Mt 1:1-12 Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap Introduction: In some countries, the feast of Epiphany is a big event. Epiphany in the early church was one of the … Continue reading

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