Year B – Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: O SALUTARIS

The King of kings is here among us. Let us pay our deepest adoration and love to Him. The One who has made us not just brothers and sisters, not just prince and princess, but made us heir of the Kingdom of God.

Gospel Reading: John 18:33b-37

In the deck of cards we have 4 suits and they have 4 Kings
– King of Spades
– King of Diamonds
– King of Flowers
– King of Hearts


– Spade is a symbol of Work, destruction, removal of unwanted debris
– Symbol of hard work and our WORK
– Manual work that we do, be it in school, at home, in the office or in society. We have been given work by God through the hands of loving people.
o For the times we have not done our work well
o For not allowing others to do their work
o Above all we are all Called to work for the Kingdom of God
o Let us be sorry
– Spade could also be used to throw mud or dirt on others.
o We ask for forgiveness For the times we have done so
o Sorry for the times we have not dealt with people justly.
– Symbol of destruction and removal of unwanted, for which we DIG
– Remove hatred, malice, anger, fear, Ego, sin
o Let us pause for a moment to tell Jesus our King that I am sorry for these things and much more of evil and sin that has been accumulated in my heart and that we want to remove the same.

Pause for a minute or so.

– Let us make our lives straight. Remove all that takes us away from our King.
– One who makes us clean
o Removes all that is not needed in our lives
o Call to make our path straight and level
– Make us dig into our lives to remove sin and fill us with his love
o Let us go within our hearts and remove one sin that keeps us away from God and neighbor.



– Where your treasure there is your soul. Diamonds are precious
– Every time we are sorry for our faults and return back to our KING, we once again become children of God, we are made PRINCE and PRINCESS
– We are precious…carved in the palm of His Hand
– We are individuals of great pearl
o Paid a price for us
– It shows the generosity of the King
– Jesus made us rich by his poverty
– Let us Thank Jesus for becoming Poor that I may be Rich.
– Diamond symbolize our wants and wealth. God always provides for us and our needs
– Let us pray in a special way for those who are poor:
o Spiritually and
o physically
– Use of wealth and posterity that God has given us? How are we using them?
o For us or for others
o For the betterment of society
– It also means that we are given all the treasures of heaven
– Having given all and yet sometimes it could be that we
o Are seeking false treasures in our lives
o For not using wealth and resources well
o For being selfish with what God has given us
– Christ offers us the Kingdom in all its richness…
o The best treasure
– In all His teachings, he told us the kingdom and its values
– Talents that God has given, have we used it and multiplied
– Let us thank Jesus for the various talents we have. And promise Him to make use of the same.



– Use at the altars, Use to adore
– Flowers are our prayers and prayer life
– For always forgiving us; For making us rich
– Let us spend time adoring Jesus, let us do this through our spiritual flowers
– Flowers that God wants us to offer is that of Good deeds, done to
o Love of neighbor and
o Love God
– Flowers help us to bring about beauty in our lives and that of others.
– Above all flowers to offer praise.
– Let us make a loud our praise and adoration to Jesus for a few minutes
– Let us thank the Lord for all the graces given to us
– Thank Jesus for one special gift given to you
– Thanksgiving
o To Jesus for all that he has given us and done for us
o Thank Jesus for dying for us



– The ultimate King, Kings of hearts
– God is love He so loved the world Jn 3:16
– Love that dies for us \
– Call to love others as God loves us
– The best, because we have
o Reconciled
o We are precious
o We have spent time in adoration and therefore we do all this because
o We LOVE our King. God is love.
– He is our heartbeat
– Always there to love us unconditionally
– Let us be loyal to our King
– For the times we have been unfaithful…. Let us say sorry too.
– Let us pray for one person who deserves my love more…so that I will be able to be like Jesus the King of hearts.



Kingship of Christ
– That of total self-giving
– That of service
– That of obedience
– That of sacrifice

Our King is that of Service and not of power and name
Throne was his cross
Crown was that of thorns\
Spector was that of nails in his hands and feet
– Crucified and of blessings
Royal clothes none he had, bare belongings.

We are called to be
– Loyal to our King
– Loyal subject and citizen of the kingdom of god.
– Sing his praises always
– Carry him on our shoulders and more still in our hearts
– Call to give his kingdom message to all
– Call to be His witness
– Call to be his soldiers



Fr. Franco Pereira, S.D.B.

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