
Year C – Third Sunday of Advent



We are at the half way mark in our preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is good to look into our lives and check out what has been our progress and preparation to receive Jesus this Christmas.

Advent is a joyful expectation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts and the world at large.

As we begin this holy mass, let us be aware that we are already in the great presence of God, His Son- Jesus and the love of the Holy Spirit. Joyfully now being aware of this let us sign our self with the sign of the Cross.


This Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday: Latin= REJOICE. We are called to rejoice because the celebrations of our savior arrival draws closer and the season of preparation grows shorter.

What are the preparation that is going on in our life?

Once, I came upon a crib with only these words JOY. The readings today speak of this JOY.
The first reading: shout for Joy,
The Psalm: we say, sing out for Joy;
St. Paul: exhorts us, Rejoice in the Lord always.

How do I get this joy in this season of Advent- in the preparation for Christmas?

John the Baptist gives us the answer: Happiness or Joy comes from doing our duties faithfully, doing good to others and sharing our blessings with others. Thus when we are really filled with this JOYful expectation that Jesus is so near to us- we will then like the people in today’s gospel ask, “What should we do?”

John the Baptist told them to ACT with Justice, Charity and Honesty, so that others may rejoice.
Ordinary people= Share with those who do not have. Repent.
Tax collectors = Do not be greedy/ selfish. Be just, take what is yours. Do not rob.
Soldiers= be at peace. No fighting unjustly. Respect.

Thus what should we do in preparation for Christmas?

Repent, Reform and prayerfully wait.

We can also do the following…..

Attend Holy Mass
The sacraments will help us to be on track
Reading of Scripture and daily Rosary
Forgive each other
Above all SHARE
If we do all this then there will be Joy this Christmas. Jesus, Others and You.

Fr. Franco Pereira, S.D.B.