
The Catholic Church in Kuwait: General and Parish Notices

Holy Family Co-Cathedral Parish, Kuwait City
PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Week Starting March 14

For updates kindly check the below link, do follow the Instagram page.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/DGYCOWYovFv/?igsh=OHV6ZHpobHZrb3cw 

1. Monday, March 17 th , is the Anniversary of the Priestly Ordination of Fr. Marlon. Please say a prayer for him.

2. The Coptic Lenten Retreat to be conducted by His Excellency Bishop Marcos Ad Essam William Bolos will be held from 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm on March 17 th to 19 th, Monday to Wednesday at the Co-Cathedral and on March 20 th in the Holy Family Hall. The Malayalam Mass on the 19 th of March, Wednesday will be in the Holy Family Hall.

3. The Lenten Retreat in Malayalam will be held on the 24 th to 26 th of March, Monday to Wednesday, in the Co-Cathedral, from 6:30 pm – 10pm. The retreat will be conducted by Fr Johny Antony, OFMCap. The English 6:30 pm Mass during these days will be in the Virgin Mary Hall.

4. The Lenten Retreat in Tamil to be conducted by Fr Sathish Arulanandam, OFMCap., will be held in the Holy Family Hall on March 25 th to 27 th, Tuesday to Thursday from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm.

5. The Stations of the Cross in English will take place at the Grotto every Friday during Lent, immediately after the 6:00 pm English Mass.

6. The Lenten Boxes can be found in the Church and in the Parish Office.

7. During the fasting hours of Ramadan, we kindly request that no eating or drinking take place in the Co-Cathedral campus, rooms, and halls. Let us respect the sentiments of our Muslim brothers and sisters.

8. This year has been declared as the Jubilee Year with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. In Kuwait there are two churches where the plenary tasks can be performed – Our Lady of Arabia Parish and the Holy Family Co-Cathedral. Once tasks have been completed you may have your pilgrim passport stamped
at the parish office.

Our Lady of Arabia Parish, Ahmadi
PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Week Starting March 14

For updates kindly check the below link, do follow the Instagram and Facebook pages:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/19pk7XwoWx/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olaahmadi_wavesoffaith/#

1. The additional English Holy Mass will be on this Sunday, 16 th March at 7:15 PM.

2. Parish Intercessory Ministry will conduct adoration and intercessory prayer on Monday, 17 th March from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the church. All parishioners are warmly invited to participate.

3. The Baptism Seminar will be held on Tuesday,18 th March in the Catechism block from 6:30 PM. Attendance is compulsory for both Parents and Godparents. For registration and document details, kindly see the notice board.

4. The Solemnity of St. Joseph will be celebrated on Wednesday, 19 th March at 6:00 AM & 6:00 PM Holy masses. All Parishioners are encouraged to attend.

5. Couples who celebrated their wedding anniversary in February and those celebrating their wedding anniversary in this month are kindly requested to register their names in the parish office. The Renewal of Marriage Vows will take place on Saturday, 29 th March during 6:00 PM mass.

6. This year is declared as the Jubilee Year with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. Two churches in Kuwait – Our Lady of Arabia and Holy Family Co- Cathedral, have been designated for receiving the Plenary Indulgence. After completing the pilgrimage task, please register in the Book of Pilgrims of Hope available at the parish office. For more details, kindly check the notice board

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus Parish, Salmiya
PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Week Starting March 14

1. We are in the 2 nd Sunday of Lent. Lent is the season for internal transformation by the action of God’s grace through Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving. May Lent be a transforming experience for each one of us.

2. Through our Lenten Penance, Fasting, Abstinence, Meditating on the Way of the Cross and Helping the poor we can come closer to God. The Lenten contribution box for the poor is kept in the Church and in the courtyard. The Way of the Cross will be conducted daily half an hour before all Masses.

3. We celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph on Wednesday 19 th March.

4. Let us pray for the good health and the intentions of Fr. Ben the Vicar General of AVONA who celebrates his birthday on Wednesday 19 th March. We thank him for his services and spiritual animation in our parish and for his role as Vicar General of AVONA.

5. The Jubilee year of 2025 invites us all to be ‘‘Pilgrims of Hope’’. As a part of the Jubilee year celebrations, the Salmiya parish is organizing a Lenten Pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Arabia, Ahmadi on Monday 31 st March, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. We invite all parishioners to join this Pilgrimage as an opportunity to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence. Kindly register your names for the pilgrimage in the file kept in the courtyard. If you require transport please make a mention in the required

6. The registrations for Easter Blessing of Families can be done through the Parish App. Kindly coordinate with the other catholic families in your building and submit the Online form (preferably of all the families as a building) before 06 th April. It is not
obligatory to make an offering to the Priest or the Parish for the Easter Blessing of your Family. All families are warmly invited to ensure that your home is blessed at Easter time. Blessings will begin by 24 th April 2025.

For more details on the announcements, kindly check the Parish App and the Church
Notice Board.

St. Daniel Comboni Parish, Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh
PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Week Starting January 27

No announcements available, kindly check the Parish App and the Church Notice Board.